Wednesday 23 April 2014

Earth Day - Why it's important for your business to be green

Every year on the 22nd April, 192 countries celebrate the annual event known as Earth Day. This event is held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and encourage the awareness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution.

Earth Day first began in 1970, when peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace. Since then the event is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. 

Typical ways to help celebrate and support this day includes planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches. Others are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction.

Being Green has never been so important and it shouldn't just be for one day! 

These days, businesses like to see Eco-friendly companies and how they can help them lower their carbon footprint. This can be a deciding factor for a potential client to pick your business for the job.

At RAP Interiors we strongly agree with the idea of lowering your carbon footprint. When approaching an office refurbishment we implement ideas to our clients that may seem costly to install but in the long run the costs are reduced. Many of our office fit out clients are extremely willing to make Eco-friendly changes because they know that:
  • They can achieve savings in energy bill costs.
  • They don’t have to spend a lot to make the changes, but the changes will save you money. 
  • They can improve staff productivity. 
  • Being known as a green firm can be attractive to potential employees. 
  • Introducing telecommuting can cut costs and make staff happier.
We also practice what we preach and use green methods with our own firm. We believe in by doing this we not only have a positive effect on the environment but it also spreads the message out to the team so they can use these methods within their own homes. 

The methods we use are simple and can be easily implemented into any business such as sending emails rather than letters. 

All our lighting has been replaced by LED lights and are also responsive to who’s in the room, so if no ones in a particular spot the lights won’t be on. 

When it comes to printing, we always print double sides and select black and white; only using the colour if really necessary. Any waste paper from this we shred and recycle separately. 

All of our branded RAP vehicles are all carefully selected to be Eco-friendly brands and we encourage car shares if people are heading in the same direction. 

Within our office designs and space plans we share our low carbon ideas with our clients. We in particular recommend LED Lighting, Biomass Boilers and Termodeck systems as they can help lower your utility bills

Click here to see our Gold STEM Certificate and see how much we support the environment. 

Overall there are many simple changes you can implement into your business that can be greatly beneficial to the environment and your company in the long run. 

Remember today may be Earth Day, but there is plenty that you can do daily to help support the environment!

To find out more on how our Eco-interiors can help you and your business, contact us

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